Bag Up! An unconventional guide to Israel

Bag Up! is on sale now, and the reviews so far have been awesome!!!


The book is available on Amazon, via the Kindle Store, but YOU DON’T NEED A KINDLE TO BUY IT. The Kindle App is available free of charge across all platforms!


Bag Up Allaboardthefraytrain

It was a long time coming (2 years and change), but I finally got my ass in gear and releases Bag Up! Backpacking around Israel without a plan.

For those of you who haven’t yet read it, it’s part travel guide, part motivational/inspirational tales and part ‘WTF were you thinking?’

There’ll be a whole new post coming soon about the actual writing process, and just how unglamorous it is, but for now let’s celebrate the wins!

And by wins, I mean going on an Argentina Press Tour!


Before it was even released I was approached by a newspaper in Mendoza, Argentina to do a sit-down interview.

Bag Up Mendoza Allaboardthefraytrain

It was fun! Recorded in my Airbnb front room, the casual setting removed all nerves and allowed me to speak freely (if not a little disjointed due to the need for constant translation).

We spoke of my family, my travel style, 360 photography and my work for Google Maps and finally we touched on the new book.

Seeing your name in a full-page spread is kinda cool…

But we weren’t finished there!

No, no, no Fray!

Snowballing on from that came the invitation to stop by a local radio station in Buenos Aires to discuss Bag Up!

[mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1]

Now came the nerves!!!

That feeling of putting on the headphones, leaning into the mic… man that’s a rush! I couldn’t tell you exactly why, as in reality it’s just like chatting with anybody across the table, but knowing that it was being broadcast live, and there were people listening from all around the world… I WAS SWEATING!

Luckily my magical flowery Samoan shirt came to the rescue and distracted all eyes from the waterfall.

Again, the translation removed the full, natural flow, but Andres was an incredible host, and I was instantly put at ease. The 30 minute segment absolutely flew by, yet the adrenaline remained for several hours afterwards.

Carolina frantically scribbled notes/talking points for me to remember, and I think I managed to only embarrass her once… which I’ll claim as another victory!



**Spoiler alert! If you want to find out the true history of the flowery shirt, skip forward to 1 hour in for my interview, where I reveal the origin story**

But we weren’t finished there!

No, no, no Fray!

Bag Up! clearly still needed some more internet time, and so you can read yet another interview for the website Mestiza Digital here!

It includes some beautiful flowery language, and a few of my travel photos from way back in the day. I was such a baby face!

The buzz around the book has been so positive, and I’m incredibly grateful for the awesome feedback so far.

If you’ve not got your copy yet, maybe some of these testimonials will convince you:

“This book is f##### gold”

“I’m crying reading it!”

“The pages describing Jerusalem transported me back”

“A warts & all real-life account of a backpacking trip”

Every copy sold will enable me to continue on the journey, and continue to write more awesome books for your reading pleasure!


You can get it here:

And please, if you’ve read it then I would LOVE YOU SO MUCH if you could leave a review on Amazon (and tick the box for Goodreads too if it gives you the option).  Be as honest as possible, as then I can use the feedback to grow and develop.

Plus each review will make the book more visible on Amazon, allowing more people to share the joy.

I love you all

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