Cause and effect

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”


Whilst pampering my feet it got me to thinking, why had Right abandoned me in my hour of need?  I’ve always considered them equals in this, and all other adventures.  True, by nature I am a righty, but Left has never really complained.  He’s performed the task of being my trusty number 2 with unwavering loyalty, and Right has always stepped up to the plate with an unmatched stoicism.

Cause and effect allaboardthefraytrain
Left and Right having a whale of a time in Barquisimeto, Venezuela

What changed?

My first thought was that I must have demanded too much of him.  Maybe his lack of complaining bred in me an expectancy, a complacency that he will just always be there, carrying his load (and it’s certainly been a varied load over the years), soldiering on regardless with minimum fuss or personal care.

If I’ve put too much pressure on you these last few weeks then I truly apologize.  I appreciate every mountain you’ve helped me climb, every obstacle you’ve helped me overcome, and all the mundane trudging in between.  I can’t say that I love you more than Left, because you’re a team… and a damn fine team at that! My other appendages would be right to look at you guys for inspiration!


But what if it’s not merely petulance that has wrought this change.  I know you’ve never admitted it Right (and probably never will because you’re just too proud!) but was it you who slipped in Costa Rica whilst carrying that plank, thus causing untold pain to Spine and Pelvis?  If it was then believe me when I say that I forgave you a long time ago… but maybe they didn’t.

I’ve never had any issues with Pelvis.  He’s a staunch fella.  We have a mutual understanding of his strengths and weaknesses, but he’s helped to bring joy to myself and many, many women around the world.  Admittedly he was a little freaked out when he was introduced to Salsa and Merengue, and was even a bit grumpy afterwards, but he came onboard eventually.  He’s just not the type to hold a grudge…

… but Spine! Now he’s a grumpy old swine!  “Posture” this, and “load bearing” that!  I hold him unquestionably to blame for my historic fallings out with Neck and Shoulder.

My personal belief… and I could be wrong Right, but I reckon he bullied Pelvis into ganging up on you.  I think he’s put the squeeze on Pelvis, lent on him with all his considerable weight and influence to put the hurt on you.  If that’s the case then I’ve got your back!  I’m having regular sessions with them both, trying to get them to chill out, relax, loosen up a bit.  I hope it helps… and soon!  I don’t like it when we fight and don’t get along.  When we’re all working together we’re an unstoppable team!  14th fastest Backward Runner in the UK… come on!  We couldn’t have done that alone!  You needed Spine and Neck, and they certainly needed you and Left.

We can be great again… I have no doubts about that whatsoever!  Let’s all kiss and make up.  I understand that that’s a tough ask of Lips, but I’m sure him and Spine are up to the task.

2 thoughts on “Cause and effect”

  1. Wow, this post was trippy; I’m pretty sure you managed to refer to yourself (or, at least, a part of yourself) in the fourth person at one point!

    Your body seems to be reminiscent of the Marvel Avengers – all awesome but prone to infighting and discord. Hopefully all of your team will be on the same page at some point in the near future.

    After all, the good people of Chile deserve the full Fray experience!


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