One door closes, another one opens

“Every fool’s got a reason for feelin’ sorry for himself, and turning his heart to stone.
Tonight this fool’s halfway to heaven and just a mile outta hell,
And I feel like I’m comin’ home!!!”

Madness, tomfoolery and epic friendships…. and that’s just the last few days.


My friends! Deepest apologies for the recent radio silence.  Paraguay is magical in so, so many ways… reliable Wifi is not one of them… HOW DARE THEY!


When I managed to eventually get a connection I found that the lovely people at WordPress had suspended my account… CHEERS GUYS!


I am now safely back on UK soil and attempting to make the transition back to ‘normal’ life, yet I have way too many stories to tell from the final month, and rest assured they’ll seep out over the following days.


To everyone who followed me on my travels and prayed for my safe return… I love you.  To everyone else… I love you too.  Yep, even you!


x x x

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