Siete Lagos… no words required

Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain

Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain Siete Lagos allaboardthefraytrain

This, my friends, is Siete Lagos!

I know I said no words required, but I thought it would help other travellers if I added a little context.

Siete Lagos is in the south of Argentina, in Patagonia.

You could probably take a bus there (I have no idea), but to truly see the beauty you’d need a car. We hired one in Bariloche between 3 people. Four days was very cheap, and I only needed to leave a photocopy of a credit card as a deposit.

Having a car allows you ultimate freedom. Each lake is a reasonable distance from the next, and they’re HUGE!

We pitched tents in parking areas when possible, or off-road when not.

The scale of everything is truly breathtaking. These photos, shot with my old Sony camera, don’t do it justice.

Aside from the occasional car passing by, the silence is exquisite.

If you’re a photographer, Patagonia is a wet dream. If you’re a hiker, nature enthusiast or you just love the natural energy of the wild, Siete Lagos will recharge your batteries for months afterwards.

Bariloche is pretty, and there are hundreds of incredible hikes further south, but I urge you to head north.

We drove up to San Martin de los Andes, and there you’ll find a younger crowd with a lively party scene. If that’s your jam, enjoy.

If you want to get away from humans, stick around Lago Hermoso or Traful Lake (which is home to a submerged forest. Yet another reason to go back!)

If a four-day road trip sounds like fun, then I recommend stocking up on supplies first. There are random shops and markets scattered along the way, but be prepared.

If you’re in Argentina and have the time, Patagonia is an absolute must-visit destination. It would take months or years to see everything, but add Siete Lagos to your travel itinerary.

Go there, get lost and connect with nature.

You won’t be disappointed.

I recommend getting lost in every new country. Get off the beaten track and let your instincts take over. That’s just one of my top travel tips.

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